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A memorable day in Wenbo Palace

Islay Mac

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

Last week we were planning to explore Wenbo Palace, Wengu Manor and Yinhu Mountain Park. If you know anything about us, this adventure didn’t go 100% as we had originally planned, ending up only visiting Wenbo Palace, but we still had the most amazing time.

After we met, we all decided to explore the area around us, resulting in having amazing, fluffy cream cakes with fruit (highly recommend). After this, we headed to the Palace and we passed a local woman’s shop that had the most beautiful colourful Qipao dresses (a traditional Chinese dress), and of course we had to try them on. This then turned in to a fashion show, as we all tried on many different styles and colours, spending most of our day dressing up, ending with many of us buying these stunning dresses.

We then headed for a huge feast which the company had arranged as an American Thanksgiving meal for us all, we even cracked open some cold beers! :)

Yes, the day didn’t go to plan, but being able to spend the day with the rest of the Edu-Pals had made it such a memorable day!


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